Helena Mundy - Textile Artist

My name is Helena Mundy,  I’m a textile artist and co founder of ‘The Art Rooms’, a community of local artists and makers. I’m currently working with eco print which is a process through which the pigments and tannins in leaves are transferred onto fabric. Every piece is unique and individual.

When I graduated from Highlands Collage I set up the Art Rooms as a place to be creative with other like minded artists as the kitchen table wasn’t very inspiring. I love having people around to bounce ideas off. The first task of the day is to walk the dog. This gets me out into nature, this is where I get my inspiration and leaf collection for printing. Then I head to my studio. The best thing about working for yourself is you choose what needs doing whether it’s printing, sewing, framing or admin. 

Eco printing is a process through which the pigments and tannins in leaves and flowers are transferred onto fabric. It is time consuming, but extremely rewarding. Nature never ceases to amaze, and the secrets some leaves release onto the fabric are absolutely incredible!The color of the leaf is often completely unrelated to the color it prints. The results are to a large extent unpredictable and that is part of the final beauty of each scarf and makes them all individual. Opening a fresh bundle from the pot is always magical. You never know what you’re going to get. 

As a textile artist, discovering eco printing was magical for me. It has reignited my passion for natural fabrics and printing.

Being a artist you have to be true to yourself and be confident in your creativity, everything else will follow suit. What inspires me most is Mother Nature now and always.

Contact Details

TEL: 07797 735395

EMail: [email protected]

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Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

