More than a year ago I decided that it was time to truly ‘find’ myself, so one night I started to look for a new job somewhere abroad. A few days passed and I got some job offers, just a few weeks later I bought a flight ticket to the island of Jersey that I had never heard about. I now work in one of the stores of The Co-operative Society.

What is your favourite beach or place in Jersey & why?

St Ouen’s would be my first choice. It is a beautiful beach, where you can enjoy refreshing waves of the Atlantic Ocean. Also, I love to have a long walk along the beach, or just appreciate the stunning views from the higher points of the Island

Where is your favourite place to stay in Jersey or where would you like to stay if you had the opportunity?

I would love to stay in the Royal Yacht. It is a luxurious hotel with a spa. It would be a great weekend treat for any special occasion.

What event in the Jersey calendar do you frequent, or do you have a favourite entertainment venue?

The Battle of Flowers is the event that is very unique in Jersey. It is the event of the year and I am so fascinated that members of different parishes come together to create such stunning pieces of art. It is not about only event itself, for me, it is more about creating a sense of community spirit, creating a better community and all working together for such a good cause.

Is there a favourite place that you go for either a sporting or leisure activity?

I enjoy working out in the Fort Regent Gym, or at Les Quennevais Sports Centre.

Where is your favourite place to dine and why?

I really like to have breakfast with my partner at Ransoms Tearooms. I love the atmosphere there.

Do you have a favourite venue where you like to go and socialise?

I really enjoy Salsa dancing and any other dancing, so every Tuesday, we go to Salsa lessons and social dancing afterwards. It is a little community of people who are passionate about dancing. We have a big Salsa event once a year. During that weekend, we get a chance to have a lot of awesome dancing lessons from amazing teachers and it is definitely an unforgettable experience.

Is there a place where you just like to go to relax and chill out?

There are so many beautiful places in Jersey, it is difficult to choose the best ones. I really enjoy watching the sunset at Grosnez Castle. The ruins of the castle, landscape and sunset create something magical.

Can you give 3 words which describe the best things about Jersey for you?

Stunning, Welcoming, Peaceful

We aim to make Vibrant Jersey a community based website by involving local people in the promotion of our island. What do you think about the Vibrant Jersey website and what additions do you think we should make?

It is a great website, and I love the aims of it. I think you should interview more people, and for example I think the elder locals could tell a lot of interesting details about this amazing island, from a slightly different angle.

What is your main interest?

Events & Activities, Health, Beauty & Fitness, Tourism

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Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

