We are delighted to be screening the public premier of the short film titled ‘The Journey’, created by writers from Film School. This inaugural project was with students from La Passerelle, under the guidance of Julie Daly-Wallman of Green Eye Productions and directed by Rebecca Coley. The story is about a young girl who refuses to let adversity stand in her way.
After the screening there will be a Q&A session with the writers, director and producer.
Writer Megan
I am very excited to be part of ‘this Journey’ with Cameron. We started off wanting to make a horror film and then I mentioned something about horses and having some horse footage. We changed our path and together we decided to use’our own experience’ and combined our experiences together, and the result was brilliant, and the story we have today is titled ’The Journey’ and the film you see is exactly what happened to me. I have always wanted to be an actor.
Writer Cameron
I always wanted to be involved in film with acting and writing, and this is a very surreal experience to be involved in something like this. I have had opportunities but this is different as it was straight forward and not months waiting we just did it! I did not have to put my mental health second anymore. It was a pleasure working with Megan and we took from each other our experiences and merged them together and put them in one pot and the result ’The Journey’ is amazing. We are looking forward to working together again with the team who made ’The Journey’.
Award-winning Film Producer Julie Daly-Wallman & BAFTA member/Judge
I have worked from the very bottom of the ladder to the very top of it, including working alongside the legendary film producer Roger Corman. I founded the production company ‘Green Eye Productions’ with my twin sister Lara Wallman. We have worked in the film industry for many years and recently we have really enjoyed working alongside Megan and Cameron. From the very start, both writers showed talent and determination and from that created the amazing short film ’The Journey’. It has been a great pleasure working with them and the whole team. Our long-term goal is to keep building Green Eye Productions & Film School in Jersey and globally, for the future.
Director Rebecca Coley
Rebecca is an award-winning filmmaker, working in documentary and fiction. Interested in creative ways of storytelling, she is often attracted to challenging subjects and likes to explore the nuance and complexity of being human. Rebecca’s feature documentary Point of Change is currently on the film festival circuit. It has picked up six awards so far, and will be released late 2024. Rebecca has made many award-winning short films, including narrative shorts Pretty Bitch; Hard to Say; Jack Blond; Pants; and the documentary Steamers, which was commissioned by Channel 4. Rebecca is currently on the Wonder Women TV scheme 2024, is a Berlinale Talent Lab alumini and is a member of Cinesisters, BAFTA Connect and DIRECTORS UK.