Ron Mills - Illustrator

Ron Mills has been a professional illustrator / designer in Jersey for over 20 years. He is an expert in digital illustration as well as traditional painting techniques.  Ron has produced award-winning images for both local and international clients.

As a commercial illustrator I was trained to produce artwork in any style and in any medium.  I began my career using acrylics, pastels, oils, watercolours, pencil and inks on artboard.An original and personal gift.  A portrait they will treasure forever. Everyone has favourite snapshots of people, pets or events in their lives.  We can take even poor quality photos of special moments and work them into beautiful digitally painted portraits. Each artwork we produce is an authentic original digital painting created by a professional artistThese days I prefer the speed of painting digitally on a computerised drawing pad, although I am still happy to produce work in the traditional way if called upon. Most of my work in the past has been commercial in nature within the advertising world.  Recently I have begun a new chapter, painting digital portraits by private commission.I love the freedom of not having a set artistic style.  For me, the fun is that I can paint the image in your head and not mine and then make it better than you imagined.  There is no better sound to me than when I here someone say wow about something I have produced.

I have recently set up a website for anyone wishing a bespoke digital portrait of people, pets or special events.  Anyone wishing to commission me can do so by visiting Ron Mills Art

Contact Details

The Studio, Roche Douvres, La Rue Carree,  St Brelade
TEL: 01534 887200

Email: [email protected]

Facebook; Ron Mills Art

Linked in; ron mills art

Instagram; ron mills art


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

