5th Annual BIG Channel Islands Beach Clean

We would like to welcome your participation in the 5th Annual Big Channel Islands Beach Clean! Volunteers are encouraged to participate in beach cleans across the Channel Islands on 18-19 February 2023, to make our islands a safer place not only for ourselves but also for the amazing plant and wildlife we share them with. #loveyourbeach
Beach clean activities across the Channel Islands are listed below:-
Feb 18 – Vazon – 11am – Clean Earth Trust
Feb 19 – Pembroke – 12pm – Clean Earth Trust
Feb 18 – Ouaisne Bay – 10am – Littlefeet Environmental
Feb 18 – Long Beach – 11am – Grouville Community, Environment & Change
Feb 19 – La Pulente- 10am – Littlefeet Environmental
Feb 19 – La Rocque – 11am – Grouville Community, Environment & Change
Feb 19 – La Mare – 10am – Plastic Free Jersey
BEACH CLEANING INDEPENDENTLY? Here’s what you need to know:-
1 – Pick your favourite beach and bring a bucket along with you to collect any marine debris you might find.
2 – Make a note of the following: (a) date, Island and name of beach cleaned, (b) any interesting finds, (c) how many people participated in your beach clean, (d) approx. weight (kg’s) of what you collected and (e) photo of your marine debris
3 – Give yourself a part on the back for a job well done and send your data to your local organisation:
Jersey – Littlefeet Environmental
Courtney Farmer ([email protected])
Guernsey and Herm – The Clean Earth Trust
Olivia Bennett ([email protected])
Submit your finds for Guernsey via this link: https://form.jotform.com/211863610367354
Alderney – The Alderney Wildlife Trust
Rowie Burcham ([email protected])
Sark – Shakira Christodoulou
([email protected])
*PLEASE NOTE: All volunteers participating in the 5th Annual Big Channel Islands Beach Clean must wear closed-toe shoes and gloves at all time. Any volunteers aged 16 and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times.
Hazardous items should not be touched and reported immediately to your organising group


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

