Exploring Devil’s Hole – Spring Walking Festival

This walk will start at the Priory Inn and go down to Devils Hole to look at the amazing natural blow hole and the coastal landscape

From here we will go up on to the headland and in to Le Mourier Valley where there is a large tree planting initiative. We will look out for the Choughs which fly around the area as part of the Birds on the Edge project and hopefully see some of the Manx Loaghton sheep. This walk will also take in some of the lanes of St Marys.

Time: 10.15 a.m.

Meeting Point: Priory Inn

Duration of walk approx. 2.5 hours moderate walking

Bus Route: 7

Guide: Nicky Mansell

Price – Free for Members; £10 Non-Members


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
Liberty Bus
St Brelades College in Jersey

