West Park
The first lay-by along the avenue at the wooden shelter.
A Licensed West Park 10k at 9.30am
An out & back course, starting and finishing at the first wooden shelter along the avenue. Begin by heading towards the Radisson & Freedom Tree, dead turn at the last lamppost before the Freedom Tree and then head towards St Aubin. Turn around the small path behind the children’s play area in St Aubin and head back to West Park for the finish in the same location as the start.
Check in at 9am, closes at 9.20am.
Free entry for JSAC members. £10 for non-JSAC members. £8 for non-JSAC members who are EA affiliated.
You will be given your race number at check in. You MUST fill in your emergency contact details on the reverse of your number.
Any further information please contact [email protected].