Kino Workshop Short Films 13th Parish Festival

2024-05-25 2:00 pm - 3:20 pm

Our local Jersey filmmakers will have spent the week working with the team from Off-Courts Film Festival, Trouville. Their brief? To make a collaborative short film in just one week!

Join 13th Parish at Jersey Arts Centre to see the results of their labours and no doubt, fun and adventures. The Kino team from Trouville and the participants will discuss the week, show their films and recount their experiences.


Kino is a filmmaking movement that advocates the production of short films on little or no budget, using small crews, and non competitive collaboration, within a short time frame…a few days! Experience can be anything from beginner to professional, with a fluid approach to working with other people. The workshop includes scripting, editing and all roles involved in film creation.

Our special thanks to the Off-Courts Trouville team led by Thomas Lessourd.

The workshop takes place May 18th to 23rd at Greve du Lecq; our thanks to ArtHouse Jersey for their kind facilitation of the filmmakers there. The Kino Jersey Co-ordinator is Jooj Duquemin.


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St Brelades College in Jersey

