Liberation Day

2022-05-09 All day

A service and re-enactment to mark the 77th anniversary of the Liberation of Jersey will be held in Liberation Square, St Helier, at 9.45 a.m. on Monday 9th May 2022. Free reserved seating (which must be occupied no later than 9.30 a.m.) is available and will be allocated by the Parishes to Parish Senior Citizens (those who were resident in Jersey during the Occupation, those evacuated, deported or those serving in the forces at that time) and their immediate and extended families. These tickets can accommodate wheelchairs.

Applications should be made to the Parish Hall by no later than Thursday 14th April 2022 so that tickets may be allocated. Unaccompanied senior citizens who require assistance with transport should also contact the Parish Hall by Thursday 14th April 2022 so that appropriate arrangements may be made.

Islanders who do not fall into the above category and who wish to attend this event will be able to apply via the Eventbrite ticket site. For members of the public who cannot access Eventbrite tickets can be requested from the Bailiff’s Chambers, Royal Court House, Royal Square. These tickets will be available from Tuesday 19th April 2022, further information will be provided in due course


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
Liberty Bus
St Brelades College in Jersey

