Over the Edge Charity Abseil

2024-04-27 10:00 am - 2024-04-28 5:00 pm

Sat 27th & Sun 28th April 2024

10 a.m – 5 p.m

Why not take on a challenge for Jersey Cheshire Home and register for our fundraising abseil taking place at Mont Orgueil Castle.

Places are limited to 40 so get your name down asap to avoid disappointment.

The event takes place over two days – 27th / 28th April. You will have a 1.5 mandatory training session on Saturday 27th April, which will take place at the observation tower, Noirmont Point.

The Castle abseil takes place on Sunday 28th.

The training day and abseil will be delivered by @JerseyAdventures.

The cost for both days will be £25.00 if you have a Heritage membership, if not it will be £33.45, to include your entry to the Castle. Time slots for both days will be allocated nearer the time.

Relatives and friends wishing to support you on the day will also have to pay the Castle entry fee unless they hold a Heritage pass.

To ensure we can continue enhancing the lives of our residents, we would ask each participant to raise a minimum of £100.00 through sponsorship. This can be done by setting up a JustGiving page: www.justgiving.com/jerseycheshirehome alternatively a sponsor form can be provided.

All funds raised go towards our mission of supporting islanders with disabilities.

To register or for more information please contact Michelle Picot on 285858 or e-mail [email protected]


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

