RampArts Showcase


In exploring our islands creative talent, RampArts brings people together. 
Together we create strong ties that bind us to our crafts and hone our approaches. 
Presented here are four very different local artists, each specialising in their own corner of creativity. 
Artists are:
Will Bertram – Wills practice is based around drawing in different forms. His work features illustrative pieces which take inspiration from real landscapes and wanderlust, featuring subtle details and references that imply narrative. His work takes inspiration from current events, references our shifting balance with our planet and the environment, often using humour to comment on the absurdities or hypocrisies of the world we live in.

His work also features abstract drawings, developed in a more meditative way, allowing the underlying themes, concepts and ideas to become blurred and in some cases removed, allowing layering, texture and balance to become the focus. Will’s work is underpinned by daily meditation, yoga and sea-swimming, allowing mental clarity and focus which helps to develop ideas as well as providing a refresh when needed. His work aims to offer a feeling of optimism to the viewer, or at least a respite from the seriousness of the world we live in.

Will currently works at Jersey Zoo as junior designer, as well as Artist Co-Ordinator for Durrell’s Tortoise Takeover art trail, launching in summer 2023.

Insta: billwertram

Aaron McMullen – Throwing together simple shapes in an interesting way, Aaron’s designs are hand drawn and digitally coloured.

Specialising in large scale geometric inspired works, Aaron’s pieces are an impact of colour and design. He has sold work with RampArts Jersey at various locations such as The Berni Gallery at the Arts Centre, Common Ground Café, and Petisco Tradicional.Insta: skimitry

Danielle Mullins – ‘Jersey born artist Danielle Mullins, uses layers of resin, pigments, and real crystals to create a fluid array of colours, textures and depth onto wooden panels.

Danielle finds inspiration from nature and has been creating mixed media artworks for three years.  Her artworks often take on a nature theme including geodes, agates, and sea scapes.

Danielle has sold her works internationally with commissions as far as Japan and continues to show her work in Jersey, enjoying collaborative events with the Ramparts’ collective.’

Inst: dmresinart

Chris Corfield – Chris left Hautlieu in 2008 to study Product Design at Middlesex University in North London.

After graduating from university in 2011 Chris found himself in the world of high-end sales – working at an agency for some of Europe’s leading brands, including a name well known in Jersey: Lalique.His role would lead him on to fascinating projects and would ultimately help design products that would end up in some of London’s most expensive homes and most exclusive bars or restaurants. By 2017 Chris decided that he wanted to take his life in a different direction and packed his bags to go travelling with his partner, Ella. By 2018 his travels landed him in Oaxaca, Mexico – the beating heart of Mexican food, culture, and art.

Drawn in by the countless galleries and studios whilst travelling in Mexico, Chris soon learnt the secrets of block printing and a new passion was discovered.

Insta: chrisprintsstuff

We celebrate the show on Friday 11th November from 5.30 pm, with live music from multi-instrumentalist Tom Rolls.


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

