Stride For Survivors

JAAR is excited to launch our first virtual challenge, Stride For Survivors, which is an everyday challenge throughout April 2022.
We are asking supporters to either walk, run, dance or wiggle their way to 10,000 steps for 30 days to help raise vital funds to support Jersey’s survivors of sexual violence their families and friends.
By taking part in this challenge, people can help survivors heal from their trauma by setting up a JAAR fundraising page today and getting ready to start striding.
The challenge will start on 1st April, which sees the start of Sexual Violence Awareness Month and end on 30th or April.
Funds raised from this challenge will go directly toward helping JAAR to provide:
• Directly support survivors and families by providing highly specialised 1-to-1 sexual trauma counselling.
• Providing a 7-day helpline service to the Jersey community
• Raising awareness of sexual violence in the community and government
• Providing education to the schools and community of sexual violence might be prevented
Support survivors and join our challenge
* Set up your fundraising page on Just Giving
* Set your fundraising target
* Ask your friends and family to sponsor you
* Share on your social media (don’t forget to tag us in)
Start striding!


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
Liberty Bus
St Brelades College in Jersey

