Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled

JSAD is a charitable organisation and was formed some 35 years ago with the purpose of providing support and encouragement to local residents with a disability who wish to take part in sport. It was, and remains, the general ethos that sport should be available to all, regardless of age or disability, and be fun!



Highly respected Non-Profit organisation providing support and encouragement for over 35 years to local residents with a disability who wish to take part in sport.

Since the early days JSAD has grown into one of Jersey’s largest sporting organisations offering a wide range of sports to all age and disability ranges.



Wheelchair Athletics – Melissa Alves might well be one of the best-known names within the JSAD, but, like so many others, it doesn’t stop her being badly affected by the lockdown, and by the huge uncertainty about the future. “Fitness in these challenging times that we are all facing may be the last thing on our minds, or something that we can’t wait to get back to, which in my case is both. I have always been the girl that is up for an adventure, sports and building my fitness.” Learning Disabilities Football – Ciaran Hocking and Zoltan Zsilinszky both turned pandemic cancellation disappointments into massive fund raising for LD football. Ciaran had planned to cycle from John O’Groats to Land’s End in April but with the current pandemic this was cancelled and he is hoping now to undertake the challenge in August. With the support of some of his work colleagues and friends he has still managed to raise the incredible sum of £851 and, being a keen footballer himself, has kindly donated this to the LD football team. Special Gymnastics – Four members of the Jersey Special Gym Club that performed so well at the 2019 Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi this year were invited to meet the Bailiff, with their family and friends, in recognition of their achievements representing Great Britain.Wheelchair Basketball – In exciting news that’s just come in, it’s been revealed that the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham will feature, for the first time, 3×3 Wheelchair Basketball. This is played in half a basketball court with one offensive and one defensive team of three a side. The objective is to score an agreed amount of points or to be the highest scorers within a 10 minute period – the maximum length of a standard game. You can find out more here. Believe it or not, 3×3 basketball is considered to be the number one urban team sport in the world.Learning Disabilities Bowling – In January 2017, the Jersey LD Bowling League celebrated its fourth birthday. It was founded and is still organised by Mark Jones. With sessions usually held on the last Thursday every month at Jersey Bowl, the league started with nine teams of three players each, but has now grown to a maximum of nine teams each containing five players. Every three months, a presentation and buffet session is held, where three awards are given – one for Team of the Quarter, a Runner up Team of the Quarter, and Individual Player of the Quarter. Disability Martial Arts – Roisin, the JSAD Director of Disability Martial Arts, has just returned from her second trip to the Turkish city of Izmir, to teach a series of Aikido seminars to students, which included a team of disabled athletes. This was Roisin’s second visit, following the first in 2016, when she accompanied Japanese Master, Soke Yasuhisa Shioda, to the Accessible Izmir trade fair which included public aikido demonstrations and classes for differently abled students.Wheelchair Tennis – At a time when there is still so much frustrating and negative news surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, some really good news from Wheelchair Tennis. This sport was able to resume after initial lockdown last year, which was hugely encouraging. Sessions throughout the year are normally held indoors but in the summer evenings play is possible under the brilliant floodlights at the Caesarean Tennis Club. Let’s hope for some more positive news in the near future – we all need it!  

Maufant Centre Club – The Maufant Centre Club is a social club for over 18s, based at Maufant Youth Centre in St. Saviour. Its aim is to provide different activities and opportunities for everyone with different abilities. The sessions, once the venue re-opens, will be Thursday from 19.30-21.00 during term time, during which time you can find out about all the different facilities like the huge sports hall, a dance room, arts room, pool room, television, social and kitchen areas, and of course the important coffee bar! Also provided each week are the new table cricket sessions, which have already become increasingly popular.

If you feel this may be something right up your street, you can contact Jeannine or Zoe for more details: Jeannine: 07797 713166 – [email protected]  or Zoe: 07829 87358 – [email protected]

We all look forward to seeing you on Thursdays once the centre is considered safe to open.


Annual Disability Awards



For further details please contact:

Paul Patterson MBE

Toute Petite

5, Le Clos des Chenolles

Les Chenolles

St. John



Tel (01534) 872855



Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

