St Brelades Smallbore Rifle Club

Want to try Shooting? We are based at The Tunnels at St Aubin (at the start of the Railway Walk)

We are proud to be a Jersey Clubmark Club which means we have met high standards in safety, coaching and management.

When do you shoot? – We meet Monday and Wednesday from 19.30

Do i need equipment? – All equipment can be provided. Qualified coaches will help get you started. There is a cost to cover the ammunition used.

Why try shooting? – Shooting is a tense sport that requires immense reserves of skill, concentration and nerve. Strength, Stamina, Hand-Eye co-ordination and fine motor skills are all improved by taking part.

Who is it for? – Anybody! As shooting events rely on mental power, people of all ages can compete against each other on equal terms.

What is Rifle Shooting? – Competitors shoot at a set target at different distances with points awarded for a shot`s proximity to the centre, much like Archery.

Contact Details;

Andy Chapman (Head Coach)

Email; [email protected]

Tel; 07797 747745

Facebook; St Brelades Small Bore Rifle Club


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
Liberty Bus
St Brelades College in Jersey

