Writer, Schooled in Jersey, working history includes, complimentary therapies, retail, administration and marketing.

What is your favourite beach or place in Jersey & why?

St Ouen due to the wildness, bleakness and peacefulness of the beach and the fabulous view from L`Etacq to Corbiere. The beach is lovely both in the Summer & Winter

Where is your favourite place to stay in Jersey or where would you like to stay if you had the opportunity?

Hard to choose between The Atlantic and Hotel La Place. The Atlantic was the first ever place we stayed as a couple for my birthday and Hotel La Place was where we had our Wedding Breakfast and stayed for the next few nights…so I have a soft spot for both.

What event in the Jersey calendar do you frequent or do you have a particular favourite entertainment venue?

Every year we make an effort to go to Legends in the Park.  It’s always a brilliant atmosphere and being a lady of a certain age the music reminds me of my youth! The quality is always excellent, the atmosphere really good and it’s often a chance to catch up with people I haven’t seen for years, Channel 103 do a most awesome job!

Is there a favourite place that you go for either a sporting or leisure activity?

With two boys, we often choose places with big open spaces so they can let off steam…the place that the children enjoy most; meaning Mummy and Daddy get some peace, is the aMaizin Adventure Park.

We are members of The Merton Aquadome which suits us in so many ways as it’s not just the pool we use regularly but our membership covers the gym, Pilates and yoga classes and discounts on parties including Flow Ryder parties which the boys thoroughly enjoy.

Where is your favourite place to dine and why?

Both my husband and I love Thai food and our favourite is Park House in Colomberie but we also really enjoy the Roseville Bistro.  The food is excellent, especially seafood and at a very reasonable cost.

Most recently we enjoyed an amazing afternoon tea at La Place.

Do you have a favourite venue where you like to go and socialise?

The Museum Café

Is there a place where you just like to go to relax and chill out?

We love the Heritage sites and try to get to at least 3 or 4 a year.  Hamptonne is our favourite as were married there so it is close to our hearts with La Hougue Bie coming in a close 2nd.  We just love the peace and tranquility along with yet another opportunity to learn something about our amazing Island.

Can you give 3 words which describe the best things about Jersey for you?

Safety, Beautiful, Diverse

What do you think about Vibrant Jersey and our aims / values?

I think it’s great there is another source of information promoting beautiful Jersey.  As a child I remember the Island being packed with hire cars during the summer.  This seems to have dwindle but it stands to reason that tourism should be one of our main industries….after all we have so much to offer, not just in terms of gorgeous scenery, stunning beaches and plush hotels but with a growing community of artisans producing wondrous things, Jersey is destination we should be proud of and want to share.

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Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

