Crazy Kitchen Recipe Book For Jersey Hospice

My book – Crazy Kitchen – is the result of three generations of family-cooking experiences with my nan and mum. I spent most of my time as a child in the kitchen, so it seemed natural for me totrain as a professional chef. This enabled me to experience working with different cuisines, and to this day I love cooking and continue to educate myself, as there is always more to learn.

I suppose you could say I am slightly obsessed with cooking. I had been thinking about writing a cookbook for years, but for one reason or another, I never seemed to get round to it, until eventually a friend told me to stop talking about it and do what I told everyone else to do, which is just to get on with it. All profits from Crazy Kitchen will be
going to Jersey Hospice Care. I had the support of some amazing sponsors who funded the print costs and, as a result, every penny from the sale will be going to the charity.

Jersey Hospice is important to me because several of my friends and family have been affected by cancer and the Hospice were amazing in each individual case, both with the sufferer and with the people closest to them. The Hospice costs around £10,000 per day to run, so I decided to use my passion to give something back.

The recipes in my book are for absolutely everyone. They are not overly complicated – anyone can follow them. I cover all dietary preferences, from vegan and veggie to omni- and meat-eaters, and this is done by simply adding different ingredients to a simple core recipe. My favourite dish? I simply can’t pick one as there are so many, but I am a pastry chef at heart and so cakes, cookies and all things sweet are my all-time favourites.

Some recipes in the book are :

Raspberry & Cacao Overnight Oats

One Pan Cajun Chicken

Sweet Potatoe Pasta bake

Swede Kedegree

Cinnamon Hot Chocolate

The retail is £4.99 and 100% is going directly to Hospice. 

My current challenge is to veganise traditional and popular desserts, but to a high standard so that everyone can enjoy them. My mum is my favourite chef, without a doubt. She taught me so much, she ignited my passion and she gave me kitchen confidence. There are loads of great celebrity chefs out there too, but too much of that is now brand-driven and influenced by sponsorship and advertising, which kind of loses the edge for me.

Jersey life is unique in so many ways. I love that everything is so close by and easy to get to. The natural beauty of the Island will never stop impressing me. My favourite place for food is Kismet Cabana in Ouaisné Bay – the food is so flavoursome and authentic. [Chef] Chris Lister cooks everything from scratch with quality fresh local produce and it really shows in his food. Obviously, the setting
is also wonderful.

For more on Rachel, visit

Crazy Kitchen will be available from

Valley Foods

La Robeline Cider (at the Christmas Fayres)

Lucie’s Beauty Treatments

Donna’s Cake Decorating Supplies

Healthhaus Jersey

The Chocolate Bar.

If anyone would be interested in stocking copies of the book, email Rachel at [email protected].


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

