Weekend Conservation Team – Purple Dew Plant Removal

Explore various locations of Jersey and help us conserve the diverse habitats across the island every Saturday!

We will be holding a morning session on Saturday 17th December, meeting at Sands Car Park (opposite the Wetland Centre) for 9:30-13:00. The event will consist of the removal of Purple Dew along the coastal strips of St. Ouens Bay.

The Disphyma Purple Dew Plant (or Sour Fig) is an invasive plant species that grows widely across Jersey, and especially in St. Ouens bay. Due to the plant thriving in sandy environments, if not managed correctly the plant would otherwise blanket the grass and sandy areas of the Bay – suffocating the growth of Jersey’s rich and diverse native species that would normally thrive in this area. Purple Dew Plant will also prevent some animals, such as solitary bees, from accessing their nesting sites

All the tools/equipment will be supplied, but please do bring your own gloves if possible.

There will be tea and coffee provided. Space is limited so please sign up if you would like to join. An email will be sent to those who have signed up prior to the day to confirm it is still going ahead.

Thank you again for your interest in volunteering with The National Trust of Jersey and we look forward to welcoming you on to one of our events soon.


Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

